Slow Down and Use Your Words Wiki

"Them" does not exist, it's just us.

End this "us vs. them" nonsense.

Slow Down && Use Your Words

Love yourself. Then worry about loving everyone else. Put on your oxygen mask, before assisting others.

People fear the unknown. If you are unknown, you are feared. If you are unknown, you are unloved. Share yourself and be known. Share and be loved.

Fear wants you to lock your doors at night.

Love wants you to trust in the good of your neighbors.

Fear wants you to hoard your resources.

Love wants you to be generous with them.

Fear wants you to be afraid of the unknown.

Love wants you to continue learning.

Fear wants you to harm.

Love wants you to help.

Fear wants you to give up.

Love wants you to compete and improve.

Fear wants you to fail.

Love wants you to succeed.

Fear of failure keeps us from trying. If we never try to understand the unknown, we will never learn how to stop fearing it. Don't be afraid to fail. Be afraid to stop learning.

Some fear is rational. It is rational to fear someone raising a fist. It is not rational to fear that someone may raise their fist. Stop raising your fists at imagined threat.
